'Funny Planets COMPILATION | Planet for BABY | Funny Planet comparison Game kids | 8 Planets sizes'

21:19 Dec 1, 2023
'#atoyday #planetcomparison #planetsize #solarsystemsize #planetforkid #planetforbaby  Let\'s compare 8 Planets of the Solar System in size. This simple funny educational videos help to imagine sizes of our planets for kids of all ages.  Hungry planets pretend playing game to compare the size of each other. Planets play at the playground. You can compare dwarf planets, their sizes, all 8 planets sizes, and just compare Jupiter ride a seesaw with other Planets. Kids can help to find the corresponding size of the planet.  The smallest planet in the Solar System is Mercury, next one in size is Mars, Venus is much bigger, our Earth is almost the same size, next one is a giant Neptune, Uranus is a little bigger, then Saturn, and biggest planet of the Solar System is Jupiter. However all the planets are small babies when you see how huge the Sun is!  0:00 Hungry Planets 2:08 Hungry Planets 2 3:49 Jupiter vs Planets 5:11 Planets at Playground 8:21 Black Hole 9:33 Planet Sizes Comparison 11:52 Planet Sizes Game 15:11 Dwarf Planets 17:26 Dwarf Planets Sizes 18:54 Planets for BABY  Excellent for the preschool, kindergarten or elementary school lessons. Hope you can learn something new and at the same time smile when you watch our video! Enjoy and subscribe to watch more!   How to learn the order of the planets?  Just remember: My                 Mercury Very               Venus Educated       Earth Mom               Mars Just                Jupiter Served            Saturn Us                    Uranus Nachos           Neptune  But where is Pluto? Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, a ring of bodies beyond Neptune. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 and was originally considered to be the ninth planet from the Sun. Pluto is very small, only about half the width of the United States, that\'s the main reason why Pluto was relegated to \"dwarf-planet\" status by the International Astronomical Union in 2006. ========================================== Subscribe to watch upcoming videos: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpFsQcFDd6UxnzFuXn1gDzg?sub_confirmation=1  Music is from epidemicsound.com - one of the best resources online.' 

Tags: youtube kids , planets , solar system , family project , yt quality=high , thedadlab , solar system project , 8 planets , солнечная система , планеты англ , a toy day , planets sizes , planet size comparison , solar system comparison , sport ball planets , learn planets for toddlers , planets for kindergarten , planets order for kids , how to compare planets , solar system with balls , #stayhome & learn #withme , солнечная система крафт , солнечная система размеры , hungry planets , big Jupiter

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